I heard a story once about a singer who started his concert by apologizing to the crowd. He said, “I’m sorry about this, but I’m just going to sing about Jesus tonight. Is that okay? I can’t seem to find anything else worth singing about!”
I feel like a broken record sometimes, too. All I want to write about is Jesus, or the Bible, or something that somehow connects us–connects me–a little closer and tighter with the one who made me. I just can’t seem to find anything else worth writing about! (Well, there is the story I’ve been submitting of a Japanese-American father who is trying to help his son feel more confident about bullies by trying to teach him a little ninjutsu while dressed in his Halloween dinosaur costume, but there’s almost nothing else worth writing about!) I hope that’s okay with you, even if you aren’t sure what all the fuss is over the man named Jesus who lived a long time ago, or what the Bible even says, or even if you believe something entirely different than I do about Jesus and the Bible. I want to learn more about you through this blog, and the only way for you to learn more about me, is for me to be, well, me.
When I wrote in the “About Me” section about my favorite books, I left one out, which is really my favorite favorite. It’s the book I kept my light on for after bedtime when I was a kid, and the book I hid under the covers when my mom came to check on me: that’s right, the Bible. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t stop! Who knows why I didn’t want my parents to know how much I liked it–I guess I thought they would think I was strange. And, maybe I was. I still can’t get enough of it.
For some of you, it might be a long time since you’ve heard any Bible stories, and for some of you, it might be a completely new book, so on Wednesdays on this blog, we’re going to have “Wednesday’s Word.” With the help of some of my friends, I will post a Bible story every Wednesday. No commentary, no discussion from me on why it’s important or what it means, but just a simply told story.
I hope you like it!

0 thoughts on “Something Worth Singing About”

  1. I used to lie in the hallway in my house and read a children’s illustrated Bible for hours. I still remember the pictures and was so thrilled when my mom gave me that Bible several years ago after I told her how much it had meant to me.

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